
Beeswax candle refills

29,90  EUR

Following the ‘zero waste’ movement we decided to create beeswax candle refills, which are both practical and efficient. They are carefully cast to perfectly fit our VINCABEE glass and can be replaced with a new one after use. The box contains 4 refills, each around 7oz. You can find videos and other tips on how to clean the glass after a burnt-out candle on our profiles on social media.


Beeswax candle refills:

  • 100% natural ingredients 
  • No artificial fragrances 
  • Smoke-free
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Long burning time  ca. 40 h
  • Air ionisation
  • Pleasant scent
  • Eco-friendly



Air ionization

During burning, a beeswax candle releases its natural qualities into the air. They negatively ionise the air and improve its quality, thus positively influencing your wellbeing. Natural beeswax candles promote relaxation, their soothing qualities ensure healthy sleep and help alleviate any discomfort caused by respiratory diseases.

Beautiful scent

Our beeswax candles have a beautiful, natural aroma of honey and propolis. Although very subtle, this scent is powerful enough to neutralise any unpleasant smells in the room. What’s more, the light flame of beeswax candle emits almost no smoke. All this contributes to beneficial qualities of beeswax candles, by creating a nice mood promoting relaxation and bringing in positive energy. All you need to do is light a candle and relax.


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